SOCIOLOGY AND TECHNOSCIENCE (E-ISSN 1989-8487). Sociología y tecnociencia [third season] is a journal sponsored by the Universidad de Valladolid. It basic purpose is to fill a critical gap in Sociology. The central aim of the journal Sociology and Technoscience is to study, understand and analyze the social influence of the various scientific and technological or technoscientific activities (especially Sociology of Health and Sociology of Science and Technology). Sociology and Technoscience has a biannual periodicity and it follows the usual mechanisms of the academic journals.
CALL FOR PAPERS (july 2022 ) (go to announcements)
Monograph: Science, society, technological and communicational transformations.
CALL FOR PAPERS (January 2022 ) (go to announcements)
Monograph: Challenges and defiances of gender violence and new technologies
Current Issue
GIR Trans-REAL Lab – Universidad de Valladolid.
e-ISSN: 1989-8487
DATABASES — ESCI (Thomson Reuters), SCOPUS, ERIH plus, EBSCO, Sociological Abstract, Fuente Academica Premier, ProQuest, Social Services Abstracts, LATINDEX, Ulrich’s, DOAJ, DIALNET, Index Copernicus, Compludoc, Publindex, Cobiss, New Jour, Latindex, MIAR, ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Complete, DICE-CINDOC (CSIC), CARHUS Plus+, CIRC (CSIC), RESH (CSIC), etc.
VALUES — H-INDEX: 6 (about Google Scholar) / MIAR (ICDS 2017): 9,3 / Global Impact Factor (GIF 2015):0,876; (GIF 2014):0,765 / DICE (Difusión Internacional): 3 / ISOC:Categoría C Normal / CARHUS Plus+ 2014: Grup D / Latindex:35 criterios cumplidos / Categoría CIRC 2012 (CSIC):Tipo B / IC Value (Index Copernicus): 3,61 (2010).